Saturday, February 2, 2013


It has been 15 days that i have been in Kuwait  and when ever i see the road infrastructure in Kuwait i just can't get enough of it. I am always bewildered to see the quality of roadways they have in Kuwait. It seems to  so non-middle east. It is totally contrast to what ones thinks about middle east.
Today while going to avenues , I again could not stop wondering about the crossover bridges which so seamlessly connect to the main roads from your residence. It seems to be so effort less in the way the your corridor roads connect to main road. The designing is  just so unreal. It seems like i am playing NFS game.Every thing is so neatly maintained.
Then i start to realize like life ,economy is also unfair.Kuwait is sitting on big oil resources which is changing face of this nation. And it also adds up to there benefit as they have lesser mouth to feed.In India by contrast we have not  much resources of this sort and also we have larger number of population to feed.
We still have good amount of resources , but the problem is Central leadership.Here you see anything in Kuwait ,it reflects the policy of Kuwaiti central leadership - For the betterment of people.Otherwise you won't find public parks so often by the side of main road. The government here is so much concerned about the general public good.